

APR. 2023


Personal branding is hard: let's discuss.



APR. 2023



Let's talk about personal branding. It's so damn hard. I have no difficulties finding about 50 ideas for each of my clients, but when it comes to myself, I don't know where to start. For my first website and logo 3 years ago, I went down a safe route. I wanted to make sure I didn't scare off potential clients with a style that was too loud and also, I'll be honest, I wasn't sure what my style was! But recently I thought to myself: I keep telling my clients to own who they are, and the fact that it may scare off some people. That even if your style is loud, someone quiet can appreciate your confidence and still want to work with you. We all surround ourselves with people different than us right? So, three years on, I was due for a rebrand.

From mute to loud

From shades of gray and dusty pink to an array of bright colors. While I am very happy about the result of this rebranding - it's joyful, it leaves a mark, it still shows off my skills as a web & branding designer - I'll say it again: personal branding is tough. It's like a therapy session with yourself. What do you keep? What do you want to say? Well, I hope my website & logo tell you this much: I'm bold, I execute my ideas well and I can empathize with many different styles. In short: I'll push you to define & own who you are, and 'll make sure your branding is true to your brand. What do you think? Did I hit my mark?

hire me!

What the client thought

Feedback to myself? I mean, kudos to me right? Right! It's sometimes hard to silence my very very loud inner critic, but I'll give myself a high five for this rebranding.

Jeanne Cassiers
CEO & Founder

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